A few weeks ago I was lucky to attend the massive music production convention, NAMM 2024 for the first time! It was a blast checking out all the gear on the show floor, getting hands-on with the latest equipment, and seeing all the synths and samplers that will be triggerring G.A.S. (or gear acquisition syndrome) for the next year.. From synths to samplers, there was a ton to explore and today, I want to share my top picks from the event.
Check out my full coverage and flipping samples from the show floor on SP404 MKII:
Top 5 Gear From NAMM 2024

PWM - Analog Synths That Pack a Punch: Starting off with PWM, these guys brought the heat with the malevolent and upcoming Mantis synths. The malevolent delivered some seriously gritty, distorted tones, perfect for gnarly sound design. The upcoming duophonic Mantis, set to drop in April, promises a deep dive into sound design with two LFOs, built-in effects, 2 filters and more. These analog synths offer versatility and depth, making them a must-have for any setup.

Teenage Engineering - Sampler Science: Now, you know I love me some samplers, and Teenage Engineering had the EP 133 on display. Despite the chaos on the show floor, I got to go a round with the sampler, and on first look, it boasts an an intuitive workflow,
that seems familiar to PO33 and other samplers, but with it's own distinct voice. I also noticed a little "EP Series" tease at the booth... hopefully a promise of more updates to much loved Pocket Operators.
ASM Hydrasynth - A Dive into Digital Synthesis: While its been out for a while, this was my first chance to take a look at the ASM Hydrasynth... and it didn't disappoint! Balancing ready-to-go presets with deep sound design potential, the Hydrasynth is a powerhouse for those exploring the world of digital and FM synths. Plus, with various hardware versions at different price points & build types, it caters to every musician's needs.

Intuitive Instruments - A New Performance Type?: Intuitive Instruments brought something unique to the table, a cross between an Novation Launchpad and Ableton Push. The standout feature? MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE), adding a realistic touch to VSTs and soft synths. It looked daunting at first, but once you dive in, the intuitive workflow shines through, making it a top choice for MIDI enthusiasts.
Korg - They brought it all: Korg stole the spotlight with the OPSix Mark II, a rack version of the OPSix showcasing the fun of FM synthesis. I spent way too much time on this synth and had to come back another day to check out the rest on display. I also checked out the Kaoss Replay, initially touted as an SP-404 killer, which offered a unique "sampler" workflow with built-in effects and an XY pad. This thing was rather complex and definitely requires a lot more time than what's available on a noisy event floor. While it may not replace the beloved SP-404 for some, it's definitely worth exploring for live DJ performances and its distinctive effects.

So, there you have it – my top picks from NAMM 2024. The convention was a whirlwind of gear, performances, and industry chatter. From analog synths to innovative samplers and MIDI controllers, these companies brought their A-game, offering fresh possibilities for creative expression. What caught your eye at NAMM 2024? Let me know in the comments!
If you want to truly master your gear and learn how to create, mix and master songs email me at sunwarpermusic@gmail.com for one on one coaching.
🥁Sample Packs: https://soundsbysunwarper.bandcamp.com/
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